Free float 77.92%
Total shares 170,000,000
Permira Holdings Limited | 14.41% |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5.17% |
Norges Bank | 3.33% |
TeamViewer SE (own shares) | 7.67% |
Other | 69.42% |
As of March 18, 2025
Notes to the shareholder structure
The shareholder structure chart shows all voting rights reaching or exceeding 3.00 percent of TeamViewer SE’s current share capital, as currently notified by shareholders pursuant to sections 33, 34 German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Voting rights held directly or through a subsidiary are taken into account. Financial instruments pursuant to section 38 WpHG or aggregated shareholdings and instruments pursuant to section 39 WpHG are not included. The chart also shows the Company’s holding of own shares (treasury shares). As of January 2, these are 13,033,838 shares, representing 7.67 % of the share capital. The Company is not entitled to any rights, in particular voting rights, from the treasury shares held (Section 71b AktG).
The underlying voting rights notifications, as well as voting rights notifications by the shareholders regarding financial instruments pursuant to section 38 WpHG and disclosures of aggregated positions pursuant to section 39 WpHG are published under Voting Rights Notificiations.
Please note that the number of voting rights last notified could have changed within the respective thresholds without triggering an obligation to notify TeamViewer SE.
The information on free float is defined by Deutsche Börse AG.
Shares held by the members of the management board
(as of March 11, 2025)
Oliver Steil (CEO): 2,720,000 shares
Michael Wilkens (CFO): 73,300 shares
Mei Dent (CPTO): 45,891 shares
Mark Banfield (CCO): 201,418 shares
This represents 1.79% of total shares.
Further information on managers’ transactions can be found under Managers' Transactions.